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Welcome to InjuriesAndSuspensions.com API! You can use our API to gather injuries and suspensions information. Everything that we publish on the website will be instantly available to you via API.

Our goal was to keep it simple as possible so you can easily implement the API. Below you can find all the necessary documentation. If you need any help during implementation or you have any question, just let us know.


Headers you need to send:

ias-jwt-key - you need to send on every request so IaS API can authenticate your request and it must contain a jwt token that you previously received from us.

Example: header ("ias-jwt-key: {your-token}"); - replace {your-token} with the token you received from us

Headers sent as response from the Ias API:

Ias-hour-requests-remaining - The number of requests remaining before you reach the limit of requests your application is allowed to make per hour.

Ias-hour-requests-total - Total number of requests your application is allowed to make per hour.

Time Zone

All dates in our database are UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Response Codes

IaS API utilizes response codes to indicate successful and failed API requests. On every request a code response and JSON response will be returned. Below you can find the list of possible code responses with corresponding JSON responses:

200 Successful request and data was returned

Response: Your data in JSON format

400 Part of the request is malformed

Response: "Error" => "Wrong parameters."

401 Request is not authenticated

Response: "Access denied" => "Missing token."

Response: "Access denied" => "Wrong token."

403 Forbidden, trying to access competition outside the subscription plane

Response: "Access denied" => "You don't have permission to access this competition."

404 Not Found

Response: "Access denied" => "Wrong url, unable to access data."

422 Request method error (request method must be GET)

Response: "Error" => "Method not supported."

429 You have exceeded max number of connections per hour

Response: "Access denied" => "You have exceeded max number of connections per hour."

500 Internal error with our servers

Response: "Error" => "Something went wrong! Please contact support."

API Endpoints

you need to send ias-jwt-key header on every request so IaS API can authenticate you.


Get the IDs and names of all available countries

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/id/country/

Query Parameters

This endpoint does not have query parameters.


Get the IDs and names of all available competitions from particular country

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/id/competitions/

Example: https://injuries-api.com/id/competitions/?country_id=1013

Query Parameters

name type required explanation example
country_id integer yes The id of the league country_id=1013


Get the IDs and names of all available teams from particular country

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/id/teams/

Example: https://injuries-api.com/id/teams/?country_id=1013

Query Parameters

name type required explanation example
country_id integer yes The id of the league country_id=1013


Get all games for a single competition on a specific date

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/date/all/

Example: https://injuries-api.com/date/all/?date='2021-12-16'&comp_id=1207

Query Parameters

name type required explanation example
comp_id integer yes Competition id comp_id=1207
date string yes Date in format: YYYY-MM-DD date='2021-12-16'

All dates in our database are UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). So, if your time zone is different, you need to transform date of the requested game from your time zone to UTC and use it as query parameter.

Get information for a single game on a specific date using home and away team id

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/date/single/

Example: https://injuries-api.com/date/single/?date='2021-12-16'&comp_id=1207&home_id=2026&away_id=2021

Query Parameters

name type required explanation example
comp_id integer yes Competition id comp_id=1207
date string yes Date in format: YYYY-MM-DD date='2021-12-16'
home_id integer yes Team id home_id=2026
away_id integer yes Team id away_id=2021

All dates in our database are UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). So, if your time zone is different, you need to transform date of the requested game from your time zone to UTC and use it as query parameter.

Get home games for particular club

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/team/home/

Example: https://injuries-api.com/team/home/?comp_id=1207&team_id=2031&season=2021/2022

Query Parameters

name type required explanation example
comp_id integer yes Competition id comp_id=1207
team_id integer yes Team id team_id=2031
season string no Season in format: YYYY/YYYY season=2021/2022
limit integer no Max number of games limit=25

limit - default is 20 and max is 50

season - if omitted it will find last "limit" number of games regardless of the season

Get away games for particular club

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/team/away/

Example: https://injuries-api.com/team/away/?comp_id=1207&team_id=2022&limit=10

Query Parameters

name type required explanation example
comp_id integer yes Competition id comp_id=1207
team_id integer yes Team id team_id=2022
season string no Season in format: YYYY/YYYY season=2021/2022
limit integer no Max number of games limit=25

limit - default is 20 and max is 50

season - if omitted it will find last "limit" number of games regardless of the season

Get home/away games for particular club

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/team/all/

Example: https://injuries-api.com/team/all/?comp_id=1207&team_id=2022&limit=10

Query Parameters

name type required explanation example
comp_id integer yes Competition id comp_id=1207
team_id integer yes Team id team_id=2022
season string no Season in format: YYYY/YYYY season=2021/2022
limit integer no Max number of games limit=25

limit - default is 20 and max is 50

season - if omitted it will find last "limit" number of games regardless of the season

Get games for particular clubs

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/games/teams/

Example: https://injuries-api.com/games/teams/?comp_id=1207&home_id=2022&away_id=2025&limit=10

Query Parameters

name type required explanation example
comp_id integer yes Competition id comp_id=1207
home_id integer yes Team id home_id=2022
away_id integer yes Team id away_id=2031
season string no Season in format: YYYY/YYYY season=2021/2022
limit integer no Max number of games limit=25

limit - default is 20 and max is 50

season - if omitted it will find last "limit" number of games regardless of the season

Get games for particular competition

Endpoint url: https://injuries-api.com/games/comp/

Example: https://injuries-api.com/games/comp/?comp_id=1207&limit=20

Query Parameters

name type required explanation example
comp_id integer yes Competition id comp_id=1207
season string no Season in format: YYYY/YYYY season=2021/2022
limit integer no Max number of games limit=25

limit - default is 20 and max is 50

season - if omitted it will find last "limit" number of games regardless of the season
